Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Awful bolg is awful

I don't really know what to write about today, I thought not having a topic might be easier but I was wrong, oh well.

Today I went to the cinema with my friend to see Source Code, it was interesting. We only really went cause we were bored and it had Jake Gyllenhaal in it, but I actually really liked it. Then we went to go to KFC only to discover it was shut, so we had to Burger King, which I really don't like.

There's also a Scottish election coming up soon and it will be the first one that I will be able to vote in which I am looking forward to but it just made me realise how little I know politics, so I'm gonna have to study up on that because I don't want to waste my vote. My mum keeps on reminding me that women died for my right to vote, I know this and that's part of my reason for wanting to vote, the other is that I think if you don't vote you have no right to complain about how your country is run.

The spell checker on this is telling me I spelled "realise" wrong and I'm like, "But I'm British, we spell it with an S not a Z!"

Anyway I'm sorry for awful this was.


  1. It's interesting to read about people who aren't on the same continent as I am... The internet doesn't realize that there's the Atlantic Ocean? Ridiculous. Someone contact the King of the World. Or at least Google.

    (BTW, *blog)

  2. There's one coming up in Canada too. It'll be my third time voting but it really hasn't gotten any easier. There's just so many things to know about and think about and decide... it's way too complicated for my liking.
