I'm glad that the Conservatives won a majority government. Sorry, but I'm going to go into Canadian politics here for a minute, because that's the most important thing that's been happening in my life recently. As someone whose political leanings are somewhat left of centre, I don't support the Conservative party. I disagree with quite a lot of the things they've done and the things they're planning to do in the near future. I dislike Stephen Harper and his attitude about government and his abuses of power and his general sleaziness. My dislike for the party was made even worse by a lot of the crap they pulled throughout their campaign. So I'm not glad that they won. But if they had to win, I'm glad they got a majority government rather than continuing to have a minority government like we've had for the last seven years. At least now something will get done, and even if those somethings are not the things I want to have happen, hopefully either things will turn out alright anyway, or it will be bad enough for people to finally vote differently in the next election.
As for Osama Bin Laden, I just don't know. I can't help but feel that in some way that it was basically an execution without trial. I know that there's really no question of his guilt, and I know they tried to take him alive first, but at the same time, it just doesn't seem right. I don't know. Revenge is not justice. Death is not something to celebrate. I understand why this was done and all, but it just doesn't sit right with me.
Last night, the TV was on in the background, and it was on an American channel when the news came on and they were talking about Osama Bin Laden. At the same time, I was watching the results of the election come in online. There was this really strange moment of juxtaposition between watching the democratic process in action and people celebrating something that, frankly, feels really undemocratic. That's not to say I think Canada is better or more democratic than the US - I'll be the first to tell you that Canada has done some really awful things - but I was just hit by the really stark contrast between the major events of the day.
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