Friday, October 7, 2011

Time Out!

At first, this question seemed really easy - I would've opted for Sophie's answer of teleportation and time bending (particularly now that I'm spending a couple of hours driving every day now), and as mundane as it may sound, it would be nice to pop back home for a nice, warm lunch in between clients instead of a cold lunch with whatever I hurriedly packed that morning. Or if I've run out of forms at work, no problem! Pop to the office, grab what I need, pop back. (Can you tell that I'm about to leave for work) Particularly with the time-bending, this would make my life significantly easier.

Except that I already don't exercise enough, and I'm pretty sure I'd abuse teleportation so that I'd never have to walk anywhere, and I don't know if I could keep all of my timelines straight with time travel.

I was also thinking about an answer I've heard someone else give, which is the ability to 80's montage through anything, but I'm pretty sure I'd use that too much as well and end up inadvertently skipping a lot.  There are times where I'm not looking forward to learning something or doing something, but the process of doing it is often better than the end result, and I think skipping that would cheat myself out of the experience.

There's a video I watched recently on this subject (which is NSFW, so I'm not posting it here), the gist of which is that any single superpower probably isn't that great. Having only super strength or telekineses means you'll have lots of people asking you to help with things, "spidey-sense" without the agility to dodge a blow just looks like paranoia, and flying without either invulnerability (to not injure yourself upon landing and/or get hurt by other flying objects) or super speed (to get away from people that might attempt to hurt the only person in the world who can fly) might be tricky.

So, I realize this is a cop-out, but I'm going to go with the same thing that they ended up on: the Saved By the Bell time out. If you haven't seen this, or don't remember it, here's a reminder (the main character, the one who uses it, is the blonde guy):
This doesn't draw attention to you, and doesn't have the possibility of getting lazy (I'm not saying that's necessarily an issue for you guys, but it would be for me), things just always kind of.... go your way.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if we had Saved by the Bell in UK, I have heard of it but I don't think I've seen it before. I had also considered that same power because of kids TV programme we had here in the UK I think it was called Bernard's magical stopwatch or something like that, basically he had stopwatch that could stop time, it was pretty lame but I still watched it.
