Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Not Story

I feel far too over whelmed by the thought of trying to continue the story, I'm sorry. It's really great and you guys are such brilliant writers. But I read it through today and had no idea where I could with it. There were probably endless directions to in but I had no idea where to go.
I really like Iggy and I really like when Claire calls him Iggy, it makes me giggle.

I really want to join in in this theme but I just feel like my creative power is more in drawing and illustrating than in writing. Perhaps if we're still doing this next week I'll attempt a comic like part of the story, if I give myself the time to do it. It could be interesting.

I apologise for this being such a lame post. Hopefully next week I'll have something better.


  1. Pfft, I stressed over where to go with the story too. I also stressed making the first post of it.

    Maybe we could come up with a list of random directions for it to take and I don't know whenever we continue it, which doesn't have to be in consecutive posts, we could roll a number and take that direction.

    like Iggy and Claire Bond over something

    Mintten is the villain

    Minntten is Claire's childhood imaginary friend.

    Dwarves are building a machine

    Claire has magical powers that react with the rocks

    Stuff like that.

    1. I'm totally stealing several of those! I've got a bad case of writer's block
