I'm not really sure what else to say about myself. I like art, books, TV and music (I can kinda play guitar). TV shows I love off the top of my head are Doctor Who, How I met Your Mother and Glee. I love Glee despite how bad it can actually be sometimes but it's one of those shows that just makes feel better when I've had bad day, I don't care what anyone else thinks, I love it! It also seems like so far everyone watches Doctor Who, so I'd love to hear what everyone thinks about that, like favourite Doctor, companion, episode, it would be fun.
I guess since I've talked about things I like, I should talk about things I don't like. I have a phobia of slugs. I stood one with my bare foot (by accident) and ever since then I haven't been able to go near one. Even the word makes me feel sick. Like the bit in The Chamber of Secrets where Ron throws up slugs honest to god makes me gag and want to cry. I hope you guys find this hilarious because it is, it's the most stupid phobia ever but there's nothing I can do about it.
Ok, I've ran out of ideas of things to talk about so I'm gonna leave you with that lovely little anecdote. I look forward to hearing form the other girls and seeing where this blog goes.
Hahaha, I love Glee too, I just didn't want to admit to it :P I agree, it's so bad, but it just makes me so happy.