Okay, maybe not.
I'm Rachel (also known as Reinfire, but you're welcome to use my actual name), and don't worry, I'm not actually particularly concerned with being cool.
I'm a born and raised California girl, and now that you have that obnoxious Katy Perry song stuck in your head and images of beaches and movie stars, let me show you what it looks like where I live from an aerial view:

So yes, I live in a tiny town in the middle of a forest in California, and this is one of my favorite things to share with people because it is so opposite the stereotype. Also regarding my living situation, I...well, let's just get out with it. I live in a commune. In an effort to decrease world suck, we take in homeless people for various amounts of time and do volunteer work throughout our little community.
Moving right along, nothing to see here...
In May I'll graduate from a state university with a degree in Liberal Studies (a.k.a. elementary education) and Special Education, and then start work in after school and in-home programs for kids with disabilities.
When I'm not doing copious amounts of homework, I enjoy knitting and baking, and do so with moderate success. I also draw, paint, sew, and cook with...well, markedly less success. But that's okay :)
My particular brand of nerdfighting involves Doctor Who, Merlin, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate Universe, crafty-ness/cooking (as mentioned above), history and writing, and an obsession with all things English (not just for the accents, but they don't hurt!).
Other than that I'm...
Well, I'm just a kid, who's looking forward to getting know the rest of these lovely girls.
Wow, living in a commune must be really interesting. Your "ground level" picture is gorgeous :)
ReplyDeleteDefy the Perry!
ReplyDelete... Not so sure about everyone's opinion on her, I like maybe two of her songs, maybe.
Also, pictures! They make the blog so much more colorful.