This area was originally nicknamed Poverty Ridge, and derives its current name from the Pair O' Dice Saloon which is no longer around, though you can occasionally see people with Pair O' Dice sweatshirts (that never really caught on though.)
Paradise is highly dichotomous. Generally the population consists of either people who have come here to retire, or teenagers who can't wait to leave. I'm sure there must be some middle aged folks around here to parent those teenagers, but you won't often see them around.
There's a large amount of chain stores and fast food places, but on occasion you can find a nifty little side shop or family owned restaurant. For instance I happen to live right across from a fantastic Chinese place... as well as a Jack in the Box.
One thing you can't fault Paradise for is all of the greenery, not only because it's in the middle of a forest, but because there are plenty of beautiful parks. Where a railroad used to run up into the mountains there's now a bike path that, if you put up with the hills, offers a lovely peaceful walk (except around 3:00 pm where it runs by the high school - I highly recommend avoiding that area, for small mobs of bored mountain kids are nothing to be trifled with).
Paradise has not lived up to its name, and possibly never will - with limited space for development due to geographic placement; a strong distaste for any sort of change from the status quo; and a distrust, though waning slightly, for any of those "hippie" values of social justice or non-chain restaurants/stores - but it is, after all, home.
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