Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Trip on the TARDIS

To answer the initial question of yes/no: Yes.  A million times yes.  I couldn't imagine saying no.

As for where and when I would want to go, that answer comes in three parts.

Part one: My real absolute most honest answer is that I would want to go somewhere and somewhen so amazing, so fantastic, so unbelievably incredible that it's outside the realm of anything I could ever even imagine on my own.  I would want to have such a magnificent adventure that it would really actually be beyond my wildest dreams.  Although this is my true answer, there's not much more to say about it, and what I've written so far is not very interesting to read and doesn't make for much of a blog post.  This is why there are two more parts.

Part two:  Place/time from the show that I would most want to go.  Given that I've only seen the new series, and not even all of that, yet, my options are somewhat limited.  I think my choice would have to be New Earth, though.  Erm, the nice top part with the apple grass, not the undercity part with the Macra.  It just seemed so idyllic and beautiful and wonderful.  I would like to explore more of the planet.  I'm assuming there were probably New versions of everywhere, not just New New (New New New New New New New New New New New New New New) York, so I'd like to see the New versions of the places I know and how they've been changed and reimagined and whether or not anything of their 21st century versions are still recognizable in them.

Part three:  Time in earth's history I'd like to visit.  So many options!  I'm very tempted by things like dinosaurs and Ancient Greece, but I think I'm going to have to say Renaissance Italy.  There's just so much happening at that time, and there were so many great geniuses going around saying wonderful things and creating beautiful things and it would all be so exciting.  I think it would lovely.

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