Tuesday, June 14, 2011

10 000 words.

So I left my post until really late and we don't have a theme and I wasn't feeling particularly inspired and so I just went through my harddrive and picked out ten pictures.  Here they are.

This is sunrise over the Halifax Harbour.

This was breakfast one perfect summer day last summer.  I loved living around the corner from both a bakery and a park.  Also, that  book gets my recommendation any day.

Yemista, which is tasty (although this batch is a little burnt).

These are my favourite earrings.  I don't remember why I was taking pictures of them,  but here they are.

This is a river near where my parents live/where I'm living right now.

Happy Tuesday!  


  1. It looks so pretty where you live!

  2. That river is absolutely gorgeous. You live in such a beautiful place.
