I'm always on the lookout for quick, flexible, inexpensive meals, and I thought I'd show you one here. This is inspired by the Mexican pizzas I remember getting as a kid at Taco Bell (+1 to fat American stereotype), though you can make it into whatever you want.
You'll need a starch, some veggies, and at least one source of protein.
For this example, I used:
- two tortillas as my starch
- avocado and salsa as my veggies
- refried beans, cheese, tuna and chili as protein sources
(cheese not pictured, whoops!)
The first thing you'll want to do is toast your tortillas lightly so they're golden brown and just a little crunchy. I stuck mine in the toaster oven until they looked like this:
While your other tortilla is toasting, smear some refried beans on the first one and sprinkle some shredded cheese on top. Be careful to keep an eye on the one in the toaster oven though, so you don't end up with this:

Multitasking fail
Once the second one is toasted, put it on top of the refried bean layer, add some chili, a little bit of tuna, and whatever seasonings you like.
Microwave for about a minute while you slice up some avocado to put on top.
Once the cheese is melty and everything is warm, add the avocado, slice into pieces, and enjoy!
I was pleasantly surprised with how well this turned out this time. Lots of beans, tuna, and not a lot of fresh veggies, but it still tasted good, was very filling, and the tuna didn't make it taste too fishy.
I would have preferred to have some lettuce and fresh diced tomatoes and cilantro, but I've made some... dubious choices with my food budget this month, so I'm just working out of what's in my pantry. Just remember to think about what you should be put on after microwaving (i.e. lettuce)
Also, if you feel like mixing up the starch used, you could do a layered rice bowl or create a neat sandwich. There are tons of possibilities, that's part of the fun of this anti-recipe :)
Mmmm, this looks really tasty!