"Well, okay" I thought, "I'll be the Eleventh Doctor! All I need is a button up shirt, suspenders, boots and a bowtie!" But I didn't have much luck there either.
I ventured off to the college town's thrift stores, and one that's very popular for finding cheap last minute costumes. At this point I was just looking for some sort of costume, but I got entirely overwhelmed when I walked into one to find massive piles of miscellaneous clothing, some random sparkly accessories, and people milling about, squeezing past each other through the piles.
As a last ditch effort I stopped at one of those stores that pops up around town around Halloween just for selling costumes, and seems to be vacant the rest of the year. I was a little amused to watch the owner (who happened to be wearing an Eeyore costume) wander around and vaguely hit on college girls. I attempted to piece together a non-slutty pirate costume, and while I found a couple of pieces that I really like I couldn't find anything for the bottom or a decent pirate hat.
So... another costume-less year for me. Since I started working when I was 16, I haven't really done anything for Halloween, either because I got stuck working, or was so tired from taking too many classes and working too many hours, and just enjoyed sleeping in on the weekend.
But, as an entirely different subject, I'm getting some couples portraits done early tomorrow morning. While this means that I'll need to be in early tonight, it's nice to have something else to look forward to after my costume fails.
Happy Halloween!