Okay Rachel, you've forgotten everything that's happened in the last year, and it's my job to help you remember the most important things.
This room will look unfamiliar to you - you helped your sister pay for a house, and this is your room in said house. You live in Sacramento now, and work for a different company but do essentially the same thing. The only real bummer with that will be re-learned how to take data for them since it's a bit different, but just remember to write down every question you ask (whether it's the target for the lesson or not) and graph only the lessons you run all day. (I'm still having trouble remembering to do those two, so you should actually have an advantage there)
Mother's Day is on Sunday, but don't worry - you sent the packages and card yesterday. Just remember to call!
You may notice that there are random people lying around your living room, and the guy in the office that is just barely covered by a blanket. You didn't black out from too much drinking, I promise - these are just random folks your sister's fiance brought in to party with. You're not required to do more than offer a cursory greeting, there's a pretty good chance you won't see most of them again, so feel free to be antisocial in your room.
I'm almost out of time... um.... your old roommate (the one that was about 50) died about 6 months ago. Apparently of a heart attack, but that's a little sketchy since he was in really good shape. You'll probably never know what happened, just let that go. The good friends you used to live with are in Chicago now, so make sure you text them once in awhile to see how they're doing.
(I ran out of time at this point. Man, this was harder than I thought!)
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