Friday, June 1, 2012

Snuff - Terry Pratchett

I know I've recommended Terry Pratchett's books in general before, but I thought I'd talk about one in particular this time (I'm reading another book that I also like a lot, but since I haven't finished it I don't feel ready to recommend it yet).

One of the reasons I love Terry Pratchett's Discworld universe is that you can drop in on any book and understand it; if you'd read previous ones you'll recognize the characters and know some backstory which makes it more familiar, but it's not requisite knowledge.

The City Watch books are by far my favorite of the entire series, and Snuff doesn't disappoint. It's like fantasy CSI but trade the fancy technology for biting wit. The story kept me guessing without feeling frustrating or like it was purposefully being obtuse, and the politics and innuendo are a clever addition that makes it feel more realistic - of course a head of state (or rather, benevolent tyrant) couldn't tell a police chief to go do certain things.... but if he happens to get the gist of it and do it on his own...

And of course there's his manservant Willikins, the picture of a perfect and polite servant, while also possessing Batman-like talents for psychological warfare and use of everyday tools as weapons, and none of the rules about not killing people.

Overall, the book is hilarious, dramatic, mysterious, and just great fun. I hope you enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. The City Watch are my favourites too! Vimes is such a great character. I haven't read Snuff yet, but I'm excited to!
