Monday, February 28, 2011


So this week it seems we’re all going to reminisce about the past and recount just how it was we found our way to the awesome that is Nerdfighteria. Mine’s not really all that exciting but it’s the truth, I hope it is at least. Wouldn’t it be awful to have false memories because your brain decided it wanted to play a prank on you? Well I guess you wouldn’t really know if they were false so it couldn’t be awful if you didn’t know it. I’m getting off topic.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, I was browsing forums on Gaia Online when I was in a thread and someone posted a link to a Youtube video they thought was relevant to the conversation. I decided to click the link and I watched this video and it happened to be Hank Green’s “50 Jokes” video, and I thought it was pretty cool so I clicked on another one and watched that. But this is the internet and I have a short attention span, something else popped up and I said “Vlogbrothers who?” Having barely watched two videos I completely forgot they existed.

A couple of months later, it was early in the morning and I was sitting in the chemistry lab of my high school. A friend of mine came in as she normally does to do homework, that never actually happened any time she came in because we both distracted each other to no end. We were looking up Youtube videos when she asked me if I had ever heard of Hank and John Green the Vlogbrothers, I told her no because I had completely forgotten the channel at that point but it did sound familiar. We watched a video and my mind realized I’d seen these guys before and that I had never finished watching the videos I had meant to watch. After watching the videos like mad for a week, subscribing, and realizing there was a whole community out there full of such awesome people, I had found Nerdfighteria.

So that’s how I found Nerdfighteria. There may be a few inaccuracies, such as the video, this happened back in 2009 I believe, and I don’t trust my memory. “50 Jokes” was probably the second video I watched but I really think it was the first one. And I am pretty sure it was before school and not after school. Despite those, that’s how it went down. I can’t wait to read other stories about how you guys found Nerdfighteria.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Last But Not >

Substituting a symbol in for a word makes me one of the cool kids, right?

Okay, maybe not.

I'm Rachel (also known as Reinfire, but you're welcome to use my actual name), and don't worry, I'm not actually particularly concerned with being cool.

I'm a born and raised California girl, and now that you have that obnoxious Katy Perry song stuck in your head and images of beaches and movie stars, let me show you what it looks like where I live from an aerial view:
And the ground level:
So yes, I live in a tiny town in the middle of a forest in California, and this is one of my favorite things to share with people because it is so opposite the stereotype. Also regarding my living situation, I...well, let's just get out with it. I live in a commune. In an effort to decrease world suck, we take in homeless people for various amounts of time and do volunteer work throughout our little community.

Moving right along, nothing to see here...

In May I'll graduate from a state university with a degree in Liberal Studies (a.k.a. elementary education) and Special Education, and then start work in after school and in-home programs for kids with disabilities.

When I'm not doing copious amounts of homework, I enjoy knitting and baking, and do so with moderate success. I also draw, paint, sew, and cook with...well, markedly less success. But that's okay :)

My particular brand of nerdfighting involves Doctor Who, Merlin, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate Universe, crafty-ness/cooking (as mentioned above), history and writing, and an obsession with all things English (not just for the accents, but they don't hurt!).

Other than that I'm...

Well, I'm just a kid, who's looking forward to getting know the rest of these lovely girls.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

hey! it's a kaity

Hey, my name is Kaity, I’m 18 and I live in northern England. My main interests are spending far too much time on the Internet, Doctor Who, Misfits, Being Human, Sherlock, listening to my woefully small collection of music, annoying people and taking my dog out for endless walks. I’m also really fond of books, to an extent that I have a compulsive habit of buying too many books. Which reminds me, I really need to tidy my book case :/

You’re probably going to realise that throughout this post I spend a lot of time talking to myself, using too many commas and weird grammar and punctuation... those are my worst habits so I’ll try and contain them, but some instances will slip through; so I apologise in advance for that.

(Trying to write this blog post in a way that doesn’t make me seem egotistical is really hard).

Anyway! More things about me! Haha.
Um, I really enjoy writing poetry, some of my friend’s BULLIED me into trying to get some of it published, so that’s my main goal at the moment; but I doubt it’ll come to anything, poetry isn’t the most read genre.

Other things that I enjoy doing are:
- Baking/cooking/eating (basically, food.)
- Reading (I already mentioned this, oops.)
- Annoying people on the Internet

My general dislikes are:
- Insects. The ones that buzz and fly at your face. (Or away from your face, or just flying in general.)
- Cliffhangers (Did you see the one on the last episode of Sherlock?!)
- Small spiders that run scarily fast.

I haven’t really written much :/
I’m really ill at the moment though; but if I think of new things to bore you with, I shall add them on, yay!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sophie here!

Hi, I'm Sophie! I'm 18 years old and I live in Glasgow, Scotland. I'm currently studying illustration at college but I hope to eventually go to Edinburgh College of Art to get a degree in illustration. So, yeah I'm the arty one, well I might not be the only one, I haven't met everyone yet.
I'm not really sure what else to say about myself. I like art, books, TV and music (I can kinda play guitar). TV shows I love off the top of my head are Doctor Who, How I met Your Mother and Glee. I love Glee despite how bad it can actually be sometimes but it's one of those shows that just makes feel better when I've had bad day, I don't care what anyone else thinks, I love it! It also seems like so far everyone watches Doctor Who, so I'd love to hear what everyone thinks about that, like favourite Doctor, companion, episode, it would be fun.
I guess since I've talked about things I like, I should talk about things I don't like. I have a phobia of slugs. I stood one with my bare foot (by accident) and ever since then I haven't been able to go near one. Even the word makes me feel sick. Like the bit in The Chamber of Secrets where Ron throws up slugs honest to god makes me gag and want to cry. I hope you guys find this hilarious because it is, it's the most stupid phobia ever but there's nothing I can do about it.
Ok, I've ran out of ideas of things to talk about so I'm gonna leave you with that lovely little anecdote. I look forward to hearing form the other girls and seeing where this blog goes.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Introducing: Katie

Hi!  I'm Katie, often known as kteelee on the internet.  I'm 21 and I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, although I'm actually from a more rural area of the province.  I've spent four years in Halifax for university.  I go to a small liberal arts school which is basically like Hogwarts but without the magic.  I study French and Early Modern Studies (to save you asking: philosophy, literature, history, etc. from about the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries).  In a few months I'll be graduating, which is terrifying, and next year I'm going to law school, which is also terrifying (things I wish people didn't know about me: I spend a lot of my time being terrified).

Outside of school, I'm a member of a local swing dance society, which is so much fun!  It's one of my absolute favourite things ever.  I also take minutes for my student union, which is really interesting, but not very fun.  I play piano and clarinet, although not particularly well any more due to lack of practice in the past couple years.  Aside from that, I enjoy reading, writing, baking, knitting, watching Disney movies, and trying to get caught up on Doctor Who.

As for what I'm doing in my life right now, I've been working on my honours thesis, which is about missionaries in seventeenth century New France, but I won't bore you with too many details on that.  I'm also in the process of choosing which of the law schools I applied to I'm actually going to go to next year.  Those two things have been taking up most of my time recently, but pretty soon they'll be done with and I'll have time to think about other things again.

I think that's it for me.  I'm looking forward to hearing about the rest of you soon!

Monday, February 21, 2011

An Introduction, Maybe?

There's a homophone mistake in this, I swear.

I’m going to be honest here, I’m not entirely sure what to put here since this appears to be the first post. For readers who just happen to find this blog, I’m one of five women/girls/gals/females/(plural noun) posting in this blog on a Monday through Friday schedule. Where did this blog come from? It came from Your Pants. There was a thread about group blogging, blogs with themes, blogs with no themes, and a general idea of getting to know other Nerdfighters through the blogs. There was such a high interest that many groups were formed and this is one of them.

That was my form of an introduction to this blog, and I’m sure everyone might have a slightly different opinion about what they think this blog is, should, or will be. But that was as generalized as I could get it. Now, I suppose introductions are in order then on account of this being the blog’s first week? Introduce ourselves a bit and maybe what's happening? Because That's what I'm going to do.

Hello! My name is Sarah, sometimes Inova since Sarah is SUCH a common name and when there are four Sarah’s in the same room it does get a bit confusing, it does not help that the internet just adds to the possible number of Sarah’s in one place. Oops, rambled there. I’m from the state of Massachusetts if anyone would like to know. I came up with a list of things I want people to know and things I don’t want people to know until I felt like people would only know me as a list and I don’t want to be a list to someone, personalities are built over time so isn’t that how you should know someone? I guess some general information would still be okay. The things I like would be science, art, Doctor Who, making people laugh, and telling stories. That would be really general. Things I wish people wouldn’t know about me, I am afraid to take the lead because I think I’m inadequate, I have horrible paragraph structure, run-on sentence issues, and I swear I use ‘I’ too much.

That’s just a general summary of the person I am before you go “OH GEEZ! What did I get myself into? This girl is crazy, and look at her grammar! It’s horrible! Time to make a run for it.” Or you know, something along those lines.

Should I tell you what I’m doing right now? I’m out looking at colleges, I just visited Smith today and it was AMAZING, I really want to get into this school. I have a big interest in science and there’s an astronomy major and an astrophysics minor available there, while I’ll probably just go for a physics major and the astrophysics minor. You don’t live in dorms at the school either, instead you live in houses with other girls, the ones I’ve seen are these renovated Victorian style houses and this place is just really cool. I wish I had taken pictures of it. So that’s what I’m doing as I write this. And that's the end of who I am and what I was up to as an intro.

I’m sure everyone else’s intros will be loads better, I’ll read them and say “I wish I could write good blog posts like that.” After which I might try to edit this post to make it look like I knew back then what I was doing. I’m awfully lazy so that might not actually happen. I look forward to reading what the rest of you are going to post.

-Sarah Inova