I've tried very hard not to make all of the things on this list the opposites of the things I said last week that I wanted to eliminate; I think I managed to succeed at least somewhat.
1. Passion. I've noticed over the last few years that I don't really have anything that I'm passionate about any more. I'm not sure why, I just haven't found anything that truly interests me enough for me to feel strongly about for a long time. I'm not sure how to make passion a part of my life. I guess I just have to keep trying new things until I find something that works for me.
2. Direction. This is pretty related to the above issue, but I don't really know where I'm going with my life. I know I'm only 21 and I still have tons of time to figure it out, but last year when I was graduating it just felt like so many of my friends knew what they were doing at least for the immediate future, and I'm still not really sure. I mean, I'm going to law school and all, but I really have no idea whether that's what I actually want to be doing. I feel kind of lost. Again, I really don't know what I can do to fix this.
3. Creativity. I feel like I've been a little creatively stifled lately. Part of this is because I don't make enough time for it. Also, most of my IRL friends are not really creative types, so I don't have people to bounce ideas off of and brainstorm with and collaborate with, or any of that stuff. I'm going to try really hard to make time to be creative, even if it's only half an hour a day, that would be better than the zero hours I do now. I've also been trying to get involved in some creative projects online, although Your Pants being down again has put a lot of that on hold.
4. Fitness. I'm really not in the best shape, and I know that physical activity helps reduce stress and increase energy and improves sleep quality and all of those wonderful things, so I know I should do it more, but it's just really hard to actually do it. I took up running this summer so that I could get in shape and then going for a run or something when I was busy wouldn't seem like such a hardship, but I wasn't very motivated about it, so I only made minor improvements. I should probably join one of the free fitness classes at the university gym, I guess.
5. Sleeeeeeeeep. Okay so this is actually mostly a lazy cop-out because I'm tired and I had a really long day and so sleep is something that I want right now but not necessarily in general. However, with another year of university starting up, I can't help but feel that this will be all too true in the very near future. I will get this thing in my life by going to bed! ...soon.
PS - Mentioning Your Pants in this post made me remember that we still haven't done anything about getting a new Thursday person. Obviously this isn't a good time for it, seeing as Your Pants are down, but yeah. Just thought I'd bring that up.
He he he... I still can't help but giggle at "Your Pants are down"