Monday, September 12, 2011

Nerd off

So going on the "Nerd Off" theme. I hope I'm nerdy enough for this.

I like to look up things like the Higgs Boson in my free time as well as other physics related terms one may not come across in an introductory class. I do this because I think it's really fun and interesting. Physics, chem and bio jokes tend to be my favorite kinds of jokes. But not math jokes, those aren't funny at all.

I spend a lot of time trying to find clothes from the Victorian era, I love the fashion styles, one day when I learn how to sew I'll probably make some dresses. Generally, I just really like things from 100 years or more in the past, clothes, buildings, etc. I'm going to live in a really old house one day and I hope to only write with quills and ink bottles. I don't really know if that's nerdy. I like old things and I like learning about them and I think it

Along with an obsession for really vintage fashions I also love learning the odd history tidbits. I hate history class but I like collecting facts about events from all over the world that no one else would know. Just completely random history facts.

I am a total sci-fi nerd. I love cosplaying sci-fi characters. So far I've only done Doctor Who characters like the fourth doctor and the weeping angels. I plan to do the Silence and the creepy dolls from "Night Terrors" soon as I figure out how to go about making those. One day I'll cosplay Nurse Chapel from Star Trek TOS, she's one of my favorite characters and I don't support the Spock/Uhura pairing the revamp decided upon. Chapel and Spock had something going on in the original series, Uhura and Spock only had non-serious flirtatious comments in something like two episodes.

Slight rant. Sorry.

I just recently got into Battlestar Galactica, and I'm loving the new series. I have to go check out the older series. Other than those I'm really picky about what sci-fi I watch, it has to be of high quality for me to consider it and there are just too many things that through random dates and ridiculous plots at the viewer or reader. Okay, the Star Trek dates were sort of random but there was a lot of effort into what their stories were about and that made up for a lot of the cheesy-ness, the original series confronted controversial issues of politics and civil rights during the sixties through science fiction and that's a pretty awesome thing.

You can tell I'm a big Star Trek fan.

I guess I'm a bit of a folklore and fairytale nerd as well. I like reading stories and origins of mythical creatures. I also get a little peeved when people don't recognize that sirens are bird women and mermaids are fish women. in addition to mythical creatures I really enjoy reading about the Norse gods.

So I really like sciency things and I can get pretty nerdy about old things, architecture, history, fashion, society views. But I'm seriously out nerded in everything too, I love the past, I love history and like I said before anything from and about the Victorian era but there are tons of people who know so much more than I do and love it way more than I do.

I also love video games, but I can hardly ever play them, consequently I am horrible at them, but it doesn't stop me from daydreaming I can be good. I may love sci-fi and definitely cosplaying, but there are even still, people far more interested and more skilled at the cosplay aspect than I am. I'm still new at creating my own costumes.

1 comment:

  1. The new BSG series is pretty awesome. Fair warning though, I've been warned b several different people that its last season isn't very good. Apparently the network decided to make it more episodic (whyyyyyyy?), so it lost some of the longer story arcs that originally made it really appealing. :(
