Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Nerd on!

I think for me the thing I am most nerdy about is Harry Potter and I think it has gotten worse over the years. I remember when I had just began to read the books I would take them everywhere with, I think I have a photo somewhere of me when I was 10 in Italy reading The Prisoner Of Azkaban. This summer I went to the midnight showing of Deathly Hallows Part II with a group of nerdfighters dressed up wearing my shirt and Gryffindor tie, it was unfortunately too hot for me to wear my Gryffindor hat my mum knitted for me though. I also spent hours when Pottermore first turned up trying to submit my email to get early entry. When it came to getting sorted I was so scared I was going to make it into Gryffindor, so many people have said I am more of a Huffelpuff but they were wrong.

Maths is something that I really liked when I was at school. Probably because I was quite good at it but since I'm doing an art course now at college I don't really do any sort of maths now. In fact I can barley remember anything I learnt, but at the time I really like all the long complicated equations and the feeling when you get them right.

I'm also pretty nerdy about art supplies , particularly paper, I'm always searching for the perfect watercolour paper. I like the different weights and grain paper has. Quite a lot of the paper I end up buy ends up in a pile not used because it's too nice to use and I'm scared to use it.

And this the part where I can't think of any more nerdy things about myself and I can't tell if it's because there are no more nerdy things about me or if I'm so nerdy I think it's normal.


  1. I would like to ask. What is your Pottermore username?

  2. Ha, that's the tricky part - trying to figure out if we're not that nerdy or just used to it :P

  3. My Pottermore username is MistFirebolt154 :)

  4. I'm EyeSeeker181, I sent you a friend request.
