Saturday, April 9, 2011

Late blog is late!

Crapnoid. I'm not sure how I forgot I had this due this week, it just kind of slipped away from me.

Do we do punishments? I would be open to doing a punishment for this one.

Anyway! I too had thought that I would have interesting things to say without a theme, but I am suddenly drawing a blank. Hrm.

I've been sick all week with strep throat, which has been really frustrating and I'm glad I'm finally getting better because it was making it so I could only sleep an hour or so at a time, and I just couldn't function too much longer without lovely REM sleep.

I've been in a strange creative mood lately. Of course, I've been sick and have lots of school things to do so I don't have time to do a whole lot of these creative things, but man I want to! You know, that might be a good theme for next week - pieces of inspiration, whether creative or otherwise (I'll need to pop over to Your Pants to post that idea when I'm done here).

I'm getting a little nervous now, because I'm getting into the last bit of college now. I've got six weeks left, and then I will officially be a college graduate. I'm really excited at the prospect of being done, because I've worked very hard and it will feel good to complete my education.

But it also feels like this is my initiation into "official" adulthood, and I am just completely not prepared for that. I will admit that I am generally fairly well disguised as an adult, but once you scratch the surface I'm still quite a goof.

I wonder if being an adult is accepting that being an adult doesn't change a whole lot; the house is still messy, there's still junk food in the pantry, and I occasionally sit in my pajamas all day to watch cartoons or laugh far too hard when my foreign-born boyfriend accidentally pronounces aluminum like "ahl-yoo-min-ee-um" instead of "all-oom-in-um".

I won't ever just magically level up into being an adult and suddenly have my life together and be doing everything I want to be doing. And while that's comforting, because it means everyone else is in the same boat, it's still kind of terrifying.

Adulthood, I'll see you on May 21st. Nerdfighters, wish me luck :)

P.S. It is 9:00 PM local time, so it is still only Saturday, one day late, thank you very much, Blogger.


  1. I've been wondering about punishments, too. On account of also being a day late the other week.

    And I was just flipping out about turning 18 in less than a year until I read this. I guess I shouldn't be that worried about it at all.

  2. Agh, growing up. I've been having a lot of the same worries and fears and thoughts lately. One of my friends was talking last night about starting to save up to buy a house and I just about died.

  3. Oops, forgot to mention: I think punishments would be interesting. What kind of punishments are we thinking? My mind immediately goes to vlogbrothers style things, but I'm not sure they'd be quite the same without hilarious video evidence.

  4. Punishment to do a vlog instead of a blog? Or do both? Tell an embarrassing story? Write an essay about hagfish?

    Just throwing some ideas out there.

  5. Hah, it would be kinda fun to have to do a vlog instead of a blog - makes it a little more difficult, and at least for me it's kinda embarrassing because I'm awful at videos :P If I don't hear any other suggestions that sound suitably punishment-esque, I'll plan on doing a vlog instead of a blog this week (or maybe both, so I actually have to put some time in).

    And in terms of adulthood: let's just agree it's all scary! Turning 18, watching friends get married/have kids/buy a house, graduating college... ack, so much adulthood!
