Monday, August 15, 2011

Rest and Relaxation

I think the best part about any tough activity, trip or situation is after it all ends and you get to finally relax.

I don't do a lot to recharge myself, really just two things, shower and nap. Except my shower is the most expensive one of the month and my nap is more like a bear's winter hibernation.

I particularly remember coming back home after a week long surf trip tired, dirty and covered in bruises from the board and I don't think I came out of the shower for a good four hours. It just feels so good to wash everything out in the hot water and relax. We were covered in salt, sand and sunscreen most of the time anyways during our trip, so I was happy to have a shower in my own home again.

I ended up falling asleep right after and did not get out of bed until late the next day and then dosed for most of what remained. I love my sleep, especially after traveling anywhere since trips tire me out so much. After I wake up from long naps like that I end up back to my normal self feeling clean and recharged.

I use the long shower and nap for almost everything, trips, bad days at school, tough skating lessons, anxiety, anything that leaves me exhausted after wards.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, the joys of a good shower after being dirty for a long time! Whenever I'd go on house-building trips to Mexico, where the facility had pretty inadequate shower facilities, it always felt great to come back and get a long, hot shower.
