Friday, November 25, 2011

Does a God metaphor count?

Ok. So maybe this is just because I really miss having a cat. It's probably a sign that I'm smothering my boyfriend's cats with attention while I stay with his family, though seriously, can you blame me?

But more on topic, I want Aslan. You know, Chronicles of Narnia Aslan?

Can you really blame me? He's a giant friggin' cat! Giant talking cat with a soothing voice and lots of wisdom, who is cuddly with good people and fierce toward any people who would cause harm. "Of course he's not safe, but he's good."

As for any issues that would cause, well... I don't know that most people would be comfortable living near me with a giant lion being kept as a pet. I don't think you ever see him eat in the series (I wonder if he needs to eat?) but if he did need to eat that would cost a lot.


  1. Ahhh, Aslan would be an amazing pet! I don't think he'd be super keen on the idea, though. He's not a tame lion, after all.

    Also, when I was a kid we had a cat named Aslan (and a dog named Shasta after The Horse and His Boy).

  2. Aslan is great! I wish had thought of that.
