Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I'm a great big cliché-face

I feel like this is probably the most clichéd answer in the world these days, but I would really like to go to New Zealand.  Really really really.  I've lived in Tolkien's world since I was very young: some of my earliest memories are of my mom reading me the Hobbit before I could read on my own.  The years that the movies came out lined up exactly with the years I was in junior high, and it was the. thing.  Everyone liked Lord of the Rings, whether they were nerds or popular or if they'd read the books or not.  It didn't matter.  Those movies brought us together.  And they were gorgeous.  Middle Earth has always been a bit of escapist fantasy for me, and actually experiencing the landscape I've come to associate with it would just be an incredible experience.

I also want to go everywhere.  I used to have a list in a word document on my computer of all the places I wanted to go and it was three or four pages long.  Unfortunately it seems to have gotten lost in a computer shuffle at some point, so I guess I'll have to start over!

I'm planning to do an exchange semester during my law degree and I'm so torn on where to go.  The places they offer exchanges to are Australia, China, Singapore, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Mexico, and the States.  You can't do exchanges in first year, so I've got at least a year to make up my mind, which is probably a good thing.  I think pretty much any of them would be amazing... maybe not the States, just because it's so similar to Canada that it probably wouldn't be quite as exciting as the others.  I also really like the idea of going somewhere and staying for awhile and really getting to experience a place, rather than just being there for a brief trip and hitting the highlights, so that's exciting too.

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